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Siapa kami?

Kami adalah yang siap memberikan Solusi Lengkap Pemenangan Politik berdasarkan Landscape kekinian, memadukan Social Movement with Social Media, perpaduan Gerakan Lapangan dan Gerakan Digital yang dirangkum dalam sebuah Dashboard yang ter-integrasi.

Personal branding

Political canvas

Politic strategies


Hillary, Obama Dan Trump

Bagaimana Hillary Clinton kalah pada Primary Election
Partai Demokrat di tahun 2008 melawan Obama

Politik Saat Ini

Digital Politics, Shifted?

Marketing Capabilities and Omni-Channels

Marketing Capabilities and Omni-Channels

The 27/7 news-cycle, requires candidate continously market themselves in all activities they do, from philanthropy to rallies to fundrising events, the public can see all of it.

Living In Digital Ecosystem

Living In Digital Ecosystem

The internet allows us to thoroughly research each candidates background, political history and personal scandals, which shapes our view and ultimately impacts our voting stances.

Big Data & A.I.

Big Data & A.I.

Thanks to big data, candidates have the ability to collect and mine data on voters and more effectively pinpoint where to most efficiently spend their advertising dollar, focusing most intently on securing undecided voters and continuing to build relationships with committed voters as well.

Issue & Crisis Management

Issue & Crisis Management

Crisis management skills of candidates has become a critical and the faster they can respond and answer to a crisis will be able to turn the favor and convince the voter that their candidate is solution maker.
layanan kami
Strategi Pemenangan Politik

Solusi Lengkap Pemenangan Politik Digital yang dirangkum dalam sebuah Dashboard yang terintegrasi.

Capacity Building

• Brain Storming • FGD • Workshop

Survey & Riset

• Dapil Survey • Data Analysis • Peta Prioritas

Brand Building & Narasi

• Personal branding • Narasi dan Issue • Visi Misi, Janji Kerja

Digital Marketing

• Creative Content • Media Monitoring • KOL Engagement • Paid Ads • Media Placement

Management Relawan

• Canvasing, D2D • Akuisisi Tokoh & Jaringan • List Building • Digital Army • Social Movement

Management Saksi

• Saksi, Korsak • Quick Count • Tabulasi

Dashboard Digital

• Dashboard Digital • WA Blast • Peta Pemenangan • Aplikasi Relawan + Gami cation • Aplikasi Quick Count + Tabulasi

Mobile Application

• Saksi, Korsak • Quick Count


Seri Peningkatan Kapasitas Workshop

Lebih dari 20 tahun di dunia
Digital Marketing, Komunikasi Politik, Riset Pasar, Mapping
Lapangan, Manajemen Relawan dan Pengamanan suara.

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Growth Mindset & Pembuatan Blueprint
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Team Digital & Relawan Canvas
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Personal Branding & Content Marketing memberi Solusi Lengkap Pemenangan Politik berdasarkan Landscape kekinian.